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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Dream to Change  Indian Agriculture 

The year was 2010, when two young passionate guys debating on how we can uplift this abysmal Indian agriculture gave birth to CropIn Technologies Solutions, a farm management product.

The actual condition of farmer is far more abject then what we know. News Channels will never be interested to bring this in media (you knew the reason).  According to figures from the Ministry of Agriculture, the total of number of suicides committed by farmers for agrarian reasons in the last three years stands at 3313.
source:- The Hindu

People should give more attention to these figures. If any terrorist attack happen in city and 50 people died then it become an International News. But 100 farmers per month are dying and we don't even care.

But Krishna Kumar is not a bourgeois. He dreamed of changing this and till date change the life of around 50,000 farmers. Like minded people come along and gave birth to CropIn technologies. This changes how agri-businesses are managed. Farmers now don't have to just sit and see his crop getting destroyed. He can get expert advice at real time. Now the middle man will not kill the farmers, they will get the fixed price from the company. As  mobile penetration will going to increase expeditiously, these technology can bring revolution. 51% of population is still dependent on agriculture. I believe that innovations like this will bring change in the society. 
I hope that many for startups like this should come and change the life of Indian Rural Society. 

To know more about it contact 


  1. Good Start! Expecting some more blogs from you :)

  2. I have a technique which creates a moisture-system around plants and maintains selective humidity which decreases the per capita water requirement of crops. In short each plant has its own ecosystem which could easily be monitored. Even the cost of apparatus is 4 rs. Per plant and could go upto 2 rs. If made in bulk.

  3. It really conveyed a true massage among the society.
